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Waverley Preparatory School and Day Nursery

Education and Teaching

Waverley is an educationally-based Nursery that builds strong academic foundations for children as they develop and move towards starting school. 

Our trained, nurturing staff offer well-planned activities throughout the day to give scope for adventurous and imaginative play and learning whilst at the same time introducing literacy and numeracy to children.

Our ethos at Waverley Nursery is to provide educationally-based learning to give your child the best start in life, and a head-start for school. We teach counting, phonics, writing and language development through a range of fun activities such as singing, games and rhymes. We also teach the softer skills such as social skills and creative, critical thinking, which is the foundation for academic achievement as your child moves through school.

As children get older, we introduce more literacy and numeracy and use the Read Write Inc programme of phonics instruction to build a base of reading and writing. These are taught in small, focussed session groups with our Primary teachers as well as through many of our general learning and play activities throughout the day. 

We ensure that every child has plenty of outdoor time each day for learning, fresh and exercise each day - whether this is outdoor play in our gardens, woodland buggy walks for babies or Forest School for the older children.