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Waverley Preparatory School and Day Nursery

Waverley Prep School (Age 4-11 yrs)

           Pupils' high achievement owes much to their excellent attitudes to learning and their exemplary standards of behaviour." ISI                    

Our aim within the Prep School is to build upon the excellent foundations laid within our Pre-Prep. The pupils will continue to be part of a nurturing, fun-filled environment with lessons taught by the full range of our talented, specialist staff. Our small class sizes allow us to know how each child learns, their likes and dislikes and how to get the most from their potential.

Specialist subject teaching in the Prep School ensures depth, breadth and rigour in a curriculum which goes beyond the content of many traditional primary schools. Critical and creative thinking are a key part of our approach, enriching and extending the understanding of all our children. A variety of teaching styles, with some project-based learning, and a problem-solving approach provides an inclusive, but highly challenged classroom for your child.

Your child will receive an exceptional grounding in the core subjects of English, Mathematics and Science but will also enjoy a broad and balanced curriculum with the addition of subjects such as Latin, and Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning skills. Our comprehensive sporting programme of lessons, weekly fixtures and tournaments is also a hugely popular part of our curriculum in Year 3-6. To read more about sport at Waverley, please click here.

Our pupils achieve an excellent academic record, leading to successful entry to a wide variety of selective Independent and 11+ Grammar Schools. Many of our pupils are also awarded scholarships to Independent Schools not only for their academic prowess, but also for their Sports, Performing Arts and Art talents. The children who move on to non-selective schools do so with confidence and a solid foundation from which to continue their studies. 

Our pupils also work towards the 11+ entry to Secondary Grammar Schools and the National SATs examinations. Our examination results are far above national average in all areas and demonstrate the exceptional progress made by all children whatever their ability and talents. 

To find out more about the Secondary Schools our pupils move on to, click here

To read more about our preparation for Secondary Schools, click here