Admissions Process for Waverley Prep School
Why Waverley Preparatory School?
- Ranked 'Best in Berkshire' by the Times Top 100 Prep Schools consistently for the past twelve years. This is based on our academic results (SATS results) for Year 6 pupils.
- Out of over 20,000 schools, and 2,026 Prep Schools, Waverley is currently ranked 33rd in the UK. (based on our Year 6 SATS results).
- Rated 'Excellent' in our recent ISI school inspection
- Waverley provides a first-class education for boys and girls from Nursery through to Year 6.
- Our school is a modern school with a combination of traditional and modern teaching methods.
- Waverley maintains single-form entry (only one class per year group).
- The school operates small class sizes with an average class size of 21 pupils, and an excellent pupil-teacher ratio.
- Every pupil at Waverley from Year 3 to 6 is issued with their own personal Chromebook, funded by the School, for use at home and at school.
- Our School is a purpose-built primary school with a practical, functional, child-friendly layout. Most of our school is also on a ground-floor level for rapid emergency evacuations, access to playgrounds and easy outdoor access.
- Waverley is located at the end of a quiet residential area, with our own dedicated car park and one-way system.
- We are on the edge of the Berkshire countryside and enjoy large sports fields and a Forest School area.
To read more about our outstanding Prep School rankings, click here.
The Prep School Admissions Process
For more information about our admissions process for Waverley Preparatory School, please refer to the admissions section on our school website by clicking here.
Please note that children who are pupils in Waverley Nursery are not automatically allocated a Prep School place. The Nursery and School admissions processes are completely separate. Parents of Waverley Nursery children who wish their child to be considered for a Prep School place need to register their interest with our Admissions team.
Please click here to view our current school fees. You will be redirected to our school website.
Contact our Prep School Admissions Team
For information about admissions or to register your interest for your child to be considered for a place at Waverley Prep School please contact:
Mrs Helen Jenkins, Head of Marketing, Admissions and Communication.
Tel: 07768 708743