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Waverley Preparatory School and Day Nursery


Our Governors can be contacted at the following address and via the email as below: 

Waverley School and Nursery
Waverley Way, Finchampstead, Wokingham, Berkshire, RG40 4YD

Tel: 0118 973 1121
Fax: 0118 973 1131

Mr Blair Jenkins: Chair of Governors (also a member of the Admissions Committee for School and Nursery)

Email: blair.jenkins@waverleyschool.co.uk

Appointed: April 2011

Profile: Blair started life as a graduate Trainee at Proctor and Gamble, then becoming Sales and Marketing Director at Glaxo and then Operations Director at PepsiCo UK. Following an MBA at Manchester Business School in 1993, Blair then followed his ambitions to establish his own business combining retail and food with IT. Blair established SnackTime, a national coffee and food vending company using the latest software. SnackTime grew from being based from Blair's own garage into the UK’s third largest vending company, employing over 400 staff and having over 30,000 customers across all UK market sectors! During the development and growth of SnackTime, Blair oversaw the acquisition by SnackTime of 4 companies and a floatation on the stock market. Blair relinquished his command of SnackTime in 2012 when he sold his interests. Blair became Chairman of Governors in 2011 following the removal of CfBT trustees at the school. 

Mr Nigel Woolnough: Vice Chairman of Governors (also a member of the School Admissions Committee)

Email: nigel.woolnough@waverleyschool.co.uk

Key Area of Responsibility: Chair of Nominations Committee,Acting Chair of Academic Committee and Acting Chair of Safeguarding Committee.

Appointed:  23rd April 2018

Profile: Nigel has been Headmaster of a number of high profile independent schools both in the UK, Middle and Far East. Nigel is a recent former Head of Waverley School. His knowledge and passion for Waverley continues to be invaluable in his current role as educational advisor to Waverley School where he provides educational and strategic advice as the school continues to develop and seek excellence in education. As well as his advisory role at Waverley, Nigel is a Director at Anthony Millard Consulting which offers educational recruitment and strategic consultancy worldwide.   

Mrs Angela Roke: Governor

Email: angela.roke@waverleyschool.co.uk 

Key Areas of Responsibility:  Chair of HR Committee & member of the Nominations Committee

Appointed: December 2011

Profile: Angela is a MCIPD qualified HR professional with 25 years of HR experience. She been a senior HR professional for the last 15 years holding Board positions with both stock market listed companies and private businesses. Angela has been a non-parent Governor at Waverley since 2012 and looks after the HR policies and processes within the school and also looks after Health & Safety at the school.

The new governing body has made a purposeful start and provides good governance. Links with parents, who are highly satisfied with nearly all aspects of the school's life and work, are EXCELLENT. 

ISI Inspection, October 2011