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Waverley Preparatory School and Day Nursery

Nursery inspected as 'Outstanding'

Pre-School inspected as 'Excellent'

photo of the head teacher and students

Welcome to Waverley Nursery, Wokingham 

Waverley Nursery, located in Finchampstead, on the outskirts of Wokingham, offers excellent childcare and education in a warm, welcoming and nurturing environment for children from 3 months to 5 years. Waverley is an educational Nursery, located in a rural, woodland setting. Our location enables the outdoors and our Woodland School to be a key focal point of our 'learning through play' ethos. Inspected in 2024 as 'Outstanding' by ISI (Independent Schools Inspectorate) on behalf of Ofsted, Waverley is an award-winning Nursery having also achieved highly-sought after nursery industry accolades. Our Pre-School (Nursery 3 and Foundation) were also inspected as part of a School inspection in 2022 and rated 'Double Excellent' (the highest possible category) by the Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI).Our childcare provision is extremely flexible with a choice of drop-off and collection times between 7.30am and 6pm for either term-time only or 51 weeks a year.  

Waverley Nursery is now accepting applications for children born between from 1st Sept 2024 and 31st August 2025. Prompt application at around 16 weeks of pregnancy is recommended. Apply via our Admissions Portal here

Celebrating Our Learning in Nursery

Nursery 3 Mark Remembrance Day

Well done to Nursery 1

who have been  



Throughout the Nursery, the children have been taking part in lots of engaging, bird-related activities, to mark the start of the Big Garden Birdwatch. 

Nursery 1 enjoyed a trip out on a woodland walk to explore nature and take part in some bird watching. The Babies were provided with a checklist of birds to try and spot whilst out on their walk and used homemade binoculars to help them look.  

We nurture the individual child by:

· Caring for and educating children in a beautiful, stimulating environment with access to the excellent facilities of the Prep School. 
· Caring for and educating children in a beautiful, stimulating environment with access to the excellent facilities of the Prep School.
· Offering a range of extra-curricular activities to broaden your child's interests and development, including Speech & Drama, ballet, Woodland School, Kickers football, Scrumys Rugby and library story time sessions. 
· Being an educational Nursery providing qualified teachers to enhance your child's learning. Find out more here 
· Working closely with each child individually to develop and maximise their learning.
· Offering a seamless transition to Waverley Prep School, currently ranked 'Best in Berkshire' and 15th in the UK by the Department for Education.
· Being guided by each child's own interests to enhance their learning.

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3 Easy Steps to Secure Your Nursery Place


If you are interested in your child attending Waverley Nursery, there are 3 simple steps.

1. Apply (No fee).
Visit our our Admissions portal here and complete an Application Form or submit a Quick Enquiry.  Due to the high demand of our places, we recommend parents complete an Application Form as a first step. 

2. Join us for a 1-2-1 Tour.
Upon receipt of an Application Form, if we have a place available, we invite parents to a 1-2-1 tour. 

3. Accept an Offer.
If parents would like to proceed with their application, it will be put to our Admissions Committee which allocates our places. To accept an offer, parents are required to complete an Acceptance Form along with an Acceptance Fee of £350. Children will attend 3 settling-in sessions just before their start date. 

Parents say about OUR NURSERY

Nursery 3 Parent

Waverley Nursery has really built my son's confidence. 

My son always loves going to Waverley Nursery. His confidence has really improved, he's chatty, has made plenty of friends and his favourite lesson is Woodland Walks.  Thank you Waverley Nursery!



Foundation Parent

We have loved our time at Waverley Nursery. 

The Waverley Nursery staff provided a safe and nurturing environment throughout our time with nursery - they focused on more than just 'childcare' - phonics, numbers etc. 

Parents say about  Our nursery

Nursery 1 Parent

These babies are having the time of their lives!

Waverley is home away from home for my son. I am so happy and always so relaxed when I drop my 11 month old there for 9 straight hours! Hats off to the teachers and carers. Thank you. 




Foundation Parent

My child loved all the extra-curricular activities at Waverley Nursery. 

He particularly loved Forest School! 

ISI inspectors say about OUR NURSERY

Personal Development

'The personal development of children is outstanding.' 

'The relationships that children have with adults around them are built on strong, secure attachments.... Children demonstrate high levels of wellbeing and confidence. They happily engaged with the visitors (ie. Inspectors) demonstrating the steps they use to mix to colours in paint.'




Overall effectiveness of the Early Years provision

'The overall effectiveness of the provision is outstanding... Children consistently demonstrate that they feel happy and secure .' 

'Leaders and managers use their understanding of child development to implement a well-structured curriculum that meets the relevant statutory requirements and children's needs and interests.'

isi inspectors say about Our nursery

Quality of Education

'The quality of education is outstanding.' 

Staff incorporate children's interests into their curriculum planning very effectively and this helps to promote high levels of engagement and success. For instance, staff in the baby room recognise children's delight in playing with farm animals. They provide different ways to learning about animals to extend children's curiosity. Babies begin to associate animals with the sounds that they make and they excitedly recognise animal toys and pictures in different places in their play environment. This promotes their early understanding of the world around them.  



Overal effectiveness of the Early Years Provision

'Children under the age of two make outstanding progress relative to their starting points.' 

'For example, babies develop an early interest in books.'  

Waverley Preparatory School -

Ranked 15th in the UK and 'Best in Berkshire' - 2024

'Top Marks' and 100% Compliant in our ISI School Inspection - 2024

Rated 'Double Excellent' in our ISI School Inspection - 2022

Waverley Nursery is located on the same site as Waverley Prep School and therefore offers a seamless transition to pupils from our Nursery through to school. We are thrilled that our Prep School is ranked 'Best in Berkshire', being the only school appearing consistently in the Top 100 schools for the last 13 years. We are now also ranked 15th in the UK (June 2024) by the Department for Education (rankings are based on the academic results of Waverley's Year 6 pupils). In 2024, our Prep School was inspected as 100% compliant, and in 2022, our Prep School and Early Years setting (Nursery 3 and Foundation) were inspected as 'Excellent' by the ISI (Independent Schools Inspectorate) - the highest possible rating and the last graded inspection. Waverley's grammar school results are also outstanding.  Please note that entry into Waverley Preparatory School is a separate admissions process and pupils at Waverley Nursery are not automatically allocated a place but our Nursery offers an excellent grounding and seamless transition for pupils moving to our Prep school. To read more about our Prep School, click here. Alternatively, click here to be redirected to our separate Prep School website. 

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